About Orizzonte ’12

There are numerous inter college fests held in DU all around the year. However, there are very few events organised for school students by colleges. Fests for school students allow them to catch a glimpse of college life and the kind of competitive events that take place at a university level. Addressing this, the Department of Business Studies, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College organised Orizzonte, its first ever Annual Management Festival for Schools.


Scheduled for Tuesday, the 16th of October, Orizzonte was held at the North Campus Conference Centre. After the students arrived and registered for their respective events, they gathered along with their teachers at the Main Hall. The ceremonial Lighting of the Lamp was followed with an address by our Principal, Dr. SK Garg and the Head of the Department of Business Studies, Mrs Nisha Rana. After that, the Chief Guest, Dr. Valson Thampu spoke to the students about college life and the importance of balancing interests and future prospects.


Then, it was time for the events to begin! The selected events were designed to challenge the students’ creativity, analytical abilities and reasoning.

Biz Quest, The Business Quiz had students testing their business IQ by answering questions about founders, CEOs, logos, tag lines and more.

Think Pot was a competitive event on the lines of group discussions. Broken down into smaller groups, students had to discuss and debate about topics on the spot, thus encouraging spontaneous and intellectual discussion. The topics were thought provoking yet different.

Our Product Designing event had teams conceptualising products on the given guidelines and then preparing strategies based on the four Ps of Marketing. The teams then had to present their product in front of the judges while elaborating on their business strategy.

Focusing on the importance of financial knowledge, a Mock Stock event was held with students challenging themselves in a simulation of the stock market.


As a part of the informal events, a Movie Making competition was organised with the theme of ‘Black and White’. The students interpreted the themes in various ways and showcased their talent on the big screen.


The Couch Potato Quiz, an entertainment quiz saw enthusiastic participation from students who answered question on popular TV shows like The Big Bang Theory, Friends, How I met your Mother and the phenomenally successful book series, Harry Potter. The teams made their way through interesting rounds in hopes to claim the top prize.


The program also allowed students to get a feel of what it is like to study Bachelor of Business Studies, the only undergraduate management course in the University of Delhi. The theme for the event was “Exploring new horizons” and the entire proceedings of the day had been carefully laid out keeping the theme in mind. The main aim of Orizzonte was to inspire school students to think differently, and compete with each other on a whole new level. Through Orizzonte we hoped to provide students an opportunity to explore the various aspects of management education and the prospects of the same. It encouraged school students to look at competitive events in a whole new light and allowed them to challenge themselves in a healthy manner.

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